Get Results With Fullstaq – The Best Affiliate Marketing Mentor

At Real Financial Bliss, we believe you should have several sources of passive income. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to use affiliate marketing. It is a great source of passive income for single moms, doctors, students, and everyone. But to turn it into a viable business, you may need the help of an affiliate marketing mentor.
Getting started in this area can be challenging for beginners and veterans alike. If you are a beginner, you may not know where to find products to promote for instance. Or you’ve been an affiliate marketer for several years and you can’t seem to get to the next level. Maybe you struggle with getting traffic to your offer. Or maybe you can get affiliate traffic, but you struggle getting people to buy the offer you’re promoting.
This is where an affiliate marketing mentor can help. A mentor can help you overcome the hurdles most affiliate marketers struggle with.
One of the affiliate marketing mentors/programs that I use is Fullstaq Marketer. And when I first started with them, I had no idea what I was doing. But Fullstaq’s program was so good, that I started making money before I completed the program.
To help you decide if Fullstaq is for you, I have put together this blog post about the program. I actually went through Fullstaq’s Elite Program (which is their most robust program). As such, I can give you an in depth backdoor review of everything Fullstaq has to offer.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a process where a person markets or promotes the products of another company or person. By doing so, the affiliate marketer earns a commission or piece of profit for every sale made through his/her platform (usually blog or website).

In order to track the sales via affiliate, businesses use affiliate links. Affiliate marketing serves as a tried and tested way to boost sales and generate considerable revenue. Hence, this type of marketing strategy is beneficial for both affiliate marketers and brands. (For an more indept discussion on what affiliate marketing is and how to get started, see my blog post here. )

Is Affiliate Marketing a Good Source of Passive Income?

The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can make money while you sleep. Initially, you need to invest your time and effort into creating and implementing a winning affiliate marketing strategy, but once you do, it’s off and running making money for you.

Once you set up your affiliate marketing strategy, you can make money from anywhere. As I said above, I got my first few sales while going through the Fullstaq training and I was a complete newbie. And as you hone your skillset, you can eventually start making a steady stream of income and even replace your day job.

How to Get Started

Before getting started, make sure you have the patience and passion to learn. Affiliate marketing is relatively easy to do, but, if you want to turn it into a steady stream of passive income, it could take some time to get there. Affiliate marketing is not a “get rich quick” scheme. But, with some hard work and a little patience, you can turn it into a steady stream of passive income (for more information on how to get started with affiliate marketing, see my blog post here).

Apart from dedication, hard work, and the right skills, you need to work on some other essential aspects of becoming a successful affiliate marketer. These include:

  • Choosing the right platform
  • Selection of a niche
  • Create and implement great affiliate marketing strategies that work
  • Joining great affiliate programs that pay a high enough commission
  • Create engaging and relevant content
  • Promoting your affiliate site and boosting traffic

Do I need a mentor for affiliate marketing?

The main benefit of having an affiliate marketing mentor is that you avoid many of the pitfalls that trip up newbies and veterans alike. While there are some resources out there that you can look at (e.g., Affiliate Fix), it’s better to have an affiliate marketing mentor that can help streamline the process. Fullstaq Marketer is one of the programs that has great affiliate marketing mentors to help you learn the basics of affiliate marketing and then turns you into an affiliate marking powerhouse.

What is Fullstaq Marketer?

It’s an online affiliate marketing program launched by Keala Kanae. Keala, is a seasoned affiliate marketer, who went from working in a coffee shop to generating over $50 million dollars with affiliate marketing. He has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and ABC News, and has more than 7 awards from Clickfunnels—including the coveted Centurion Award for generating over $50 million in sales. According to some reports, he is on his way to generating 100 million in sales.

Keala has taken his years of study and research into this area and condensed it into a training program. The training is broken down into several modules that are taught by Keala and several affiliate marketing mentors that are a part of his staff. Some of the higher (i.e., more expensive) programs that Keala offers include training from some of Keala’s industry counterparts, including marketing badass, Kat Sullivan.

The Fullstaq Marketer program provides current affiliate marketing strategies, which are taught by high-achieving affiliate marketing mentors. You learn effective and proven affiliate marketing techniques and strategies. Besides, you also get help while setting up a website/blog, creating the sales funnel, and running ad campaigns.

Key Features of the Fullstaq Marketer Program

Fullstaq offers several different courses. Some of the courses are taught by Keala himself and others are taught by members of his staff. These programs collectively cover everything that you would need to know about affiliate marketing, including setting up your domain, how to find affiliate offers, generating traffic to your offer, email marketing, conversions, and setting up your business structure. Below, we have listed a few of them.

Business Launch Challenge-The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Challenge

In my opinion, Fullstaq’s Business Launch Challenge is by far the best way to see if Fullstaq Marketing is the right program for you. Why? Because it has a “Double Your Money Back Guarantee.” In other words, if you don’t see real results during the Business Launch Challenge they will pay you back Double your cost to attend the event. And because of that, this is the affiliate marketing challenge I recommend.

The Business Launch Challenge is a 2.5-day event that you can attend from the comfort of your own home. It costs you $39 to attend (plus costs so really your total cost is about $115). You will work with Fullstaq’s digital marketing mentors The Fullstaq team will help you build your online business from scratch. During this short period, the experts at Fullstaq will help you set the products up, bring visitors to your website/blog, build an email list, and help you get your first sale. Many people who attend get their first leads/sales during the challenge.

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The Business Launch Challenge occurs a few times per year so you will want to make sure you sign up when one is available. The goal of the business launch challenge is to have you set up a viable affiliate marketing business by the end of the event. If you are interested in taking part in the ultimate affiliate marketing challenge, you can look for the next one here

Fullstaq Accelerator

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Another way to experience what Fullstaq has to offer is to purchase their Fullstaq Accelerator program. This program is for people who know little or nothing about affiliate marketing. It contains four modules: Fullstaq 101, Fullstaq Onboarding, Fullstaq Edge, and Funnel Labs. The first two modules introduce you to the world of affiliate marketing and get you acquainted with navigating around Fullstaq’s website.

Fullstaq Edge is designed to help you develop the “mindset” to help you succeed. It’s based on the premise that most human decisions is unconscious. And that you can change your behavior by taking a deeper look at your decisions. Although you can do this kind of self-discovery on your own, I did find it interesting.

In my opinion, the most important module in Fullstaq Accelerator is Funnel Labs. In that module you will finally start getting into the nuts and bolts of setting up your first sale’s funnel. It will help you set up your own business system complete with your own website and domain, conversion tracking system, lead-capture pages, and more.

Although Fullstaq Accelerator only costs $99, it’s important to know that you will have some additional costs. Fullstaq uses the following services to train you: Clickfunnels, Click Magic, and GetResponse. Some of these services are free (GetResponse), but the others only have a limited trial period and eventually you will have to start paying.

In my opinion Fullstaq Accelerator is ok, but I prefer the hands-on training of the Business Launch Challenge.

Fullstaq Elite

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Fullstaq Elite is the flagship program offered by the company. It is the most comprehensive and complete program that Fullstaq offers. Fullstaq Elite contains all of the modules in Fullstaq Accelerator. You also get access to three more powerful modules (Traffic Labs, Conversion Labs, and Masters Labs). You also get six-weeks of tutoring by a real live person. At the time of this post, the Fullstaq Elite comes with a 90-day challenge/guarantee. Basically, if you follow Fullstaq’s specific instructions for 90 days, Fullstaq will give you double your money back if your don’t make your initial investment back within 90 days.

Of course, for the money you pay to join Fullstaq Elite ($15,000), these courses and tutoring are what you would expect for that kind of money—very in-depth, high-quality training from some of the best affiliate marketers in the industry (as I said above, Kalea is on his way to making $100 million in sales from affiliate marketing). Not only does Kalea and his team provide top-notch training, but Keala also brings in some of his industry counterparts to teach as well.

Traffic Labs Module

In my view, Traffic Labs is an essential course. By the time I completed Funnel Labs, I had a working sale funnel, but it wasn’t until Traffic Labs that I learned how to drive traffic to it. I got my first sales about one-third of the way through Traffic Labs. And for me, it was at this point when it all “clicked” and I could see how to scale affiliate marketing to make steady passive income.

The first third of the course is about using Facebook to advertise your offer. And I have to say, it was absolutely killer! Fullstaq shows you how to run successful Facebook Ad Campaigns (and how to stay in compliance with Facebook’s changing Ad Policies).

Traffic Labs also includes training by social media marketing badass, Kat Sullivin. This was my favorite part of Traffic Labs. She literally shows you the exact pattern she uses to create viral posts that turn into more views on your website and offers.

Conversion Labs Module

Conversion Labs is also a must-have. This module will teach you how to get people to actually “convert” or buy your sales offer. It gives you a highly-detailed training from Keala about the science and art behind conversions. He shows you how to write effective emails that get people to convert, how to protect your email deliverability rate, what to do with people who sit on your email list but never buy, and how to subconsciously influence someone using words. This program is powerful.

Masters Labs Module

Masters Labs is also a fantastic course. If you’re serious about setting up your affiliate marketing business like an actual business, then Masters Labs is essential. The course trains you in the areas of money management, tax planning, and investing.

In addition to all of the training above, you also get six weeks of individual tutoring so if you have questions about anything you can get them resolved. I found this to be an invaluable resource for me.

While Fullstaq Elite is the most expensive program, it is really the one that is the most comprehensive. I forked out the price of admission and found it to be great.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, the best way to see if Fullstaq is for you is to experience it. My recommendation is that you attend the Business Launch Challenge so you can truly see if affiliate marketing is for you. Once you experience it, you can decide if you want to go elite or not.

In general, anyone with a website, blog, or social media presence can earn a few bucks through affiliate marketing. But to turn into a steady stream of reliable passive income is not as simple. If you are serious about getting to a point where you can quit your job, escape the rat race, and live life on your own terms, I recommend you get an affiliate marketing mentor. For me, Fullstaq’s Business Launch Challenge and Fullstaq Elite are the best options they offer.


  • Isaac

    Isaac is a lawyer who specializes in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, and affiliate marketing. He is passionate about passive income and hopes to inspire others to create other streams of wealth so that they can live the life they've imagined.