Everything You Need To Know About Affiliate Marketing – The Ultimate Guide

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Everything You Need To Know About Affiliate Marketing – The Ultimate Guide

If you want to learn everything about affiliate marketing, you’ve come to the right place. In recent years, affiliate marketing has become very popular due to the flexibility and ease of earning decent money.

But many people still do not understand how this “billion-dollar industry” works. So, in this article, l will explain everything you need to know about affiliate marketing.


Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company pays third-party sources to create traffic or leads to its products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates who are paid a commission to promote the firm.

In a nutshell, you use your abilities as an online marketer to recommend products to your audience.

You earn money when someone purchases the recommended product or service after clicking on your referral link.


Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite ways to make passive income!

Not only is it relatively easy to get started, but the market is continuing to grow and expand. According to Statista, this sector is expected to grow to $8.2 billion by 2022.

Why Affiliate Marketing Is A Great Passive Income Source

  • Ability to execute: You are only in charge of the marketing (other things like product development or order delivery will be made by the brand).
  • Low risk: Joining an affiliate program is completely free. So you just need to spend time building traffic sources to attract more people to click on your links.
  • Scalability: Most affiliate marketers I know are promoting more than one product (some are promoting hundreds of affiliate products). By promoting more products, you increase your chance of making more consistent sales on a regular basis.


Affiliate marketing is a partnership between businesses and affiliates. In fact, when you join an affiliate program, the company will provide you with a unique link to use in promotional materials like your blog or YouTube channel.

Your job is to drive traffic to your unique link by creating great content about the product and embed links within it.

When someone buys something through your link, you get a commission!

Source: Pinterest

Types of Affiliate Marketing

According to Passive Income guru Pat Flynn, there are three different types of affiliate marketing programs.

Unattached affiliate marketing: youThe first category is c affiliate marketing. The affiliate will promote the product to potential customers by sharing a code that offers a discount on the purchasing price. When the customer enters the code at checkout, they receive a percentage off their total order.

A second category of affiliate marketing is loyalty affiliate marketing. The affiliate will promote the product to potential customers by offering special discounts or services that are not generally available. For example, an affiliate might offer free shipping on orders over $100. When the customer makes a purchase, they receive a discount or added service.

The third category of affiliate marketing is subscription affiliate marketing. The affiliate will promote the product to potential customers by offering a free trial or discounted rates for signing up for a longer period of time. For example, an affiliate might offer a free 30-day trial of a software program. If the customer decides to keep the software after the trial period, they will be charged the full price.


There are many affiliate marketing programs available for marketers to join. Here are some of the most common affiliate marketing programs:

Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is one of the first affiliate marketing programs and it is also one of the largest affiliate networks in the world.

You can promote any product from Amazon’s huge catalogue and earn a commission on every qualifying sale that you drive to Amazon.


Clickbank is an affiliate network that mainly focuses on digital products. Clickbank offers a wide range of products in different niches including health, fitness, business, and more.

You can promote these products on your website or blog and earn a commission on every sale.


ShareASale is an affiliate network that offers affiliate programs in a wide range of niches including fashion, beauty, parenting, and more.


FlexOffers is an affiliate network that offers affiliate programs in a wide range of niches including travel, food, and more.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

There are many benefits of affiliate marketing, including:

  • You can make money while you sleep: You can make money even when you’re not actively working.
  • You don’t need your own product: You don’t need to create your own product. This means that you can start making money without little upfront investment.
  • You can work from anywhere: You can literally work from anywhere in the world (as long as you have an internet connection).
  • You don’t need a large audience: You don’t need a large audience to start making money. I fact, I was able to generate sales within my first week and I had no audience (if you want to know how I did that, click here for the course I took).
  • You can start immediately: With affiliate marketing, you can start immediately after you sign up. There is no need to wait for approval from the affiliate network or company.

Drawbacks of Affiliate Marketing

There are some drawbacks of affiliate marketing, including:

  • You will need to drive traffic to your website: In order to earn commissions, you need to drive traffic to your website or blog. This can be done through SEO, social media, paid advertising, or other means.
  • You are not in control of the product: You are not in control of the product that you are promoting. This means that you are at the mercy of the affiliate network or company.
  • You are not guaranteed to make money: Even if you do everything right, there is no guarantee that you will make money with affiliate marketing (this is because affiliate marketing is a performance-based model and you only earn a commission on sales that you drive).
  • Affiliate marketing can be expensive: One of the most common ways to generate traffic to an offer is to pay for ads on websites like Google or Facebook. This can be expensive (especially if you don’t know what you’re doing).
  • It can take time: Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. It is true that you can make a lot of money with it (and even escape the rat race), but it will take time.

One of the best ways to avoid losing money on affiliate marketing is to learn from someone who is already successful at it. See below for a list of affiliate training programs I recommend.


Generally, there are 5 ways that affiliates are compensated:

  • Pay per sale for each successful sale you make.
  • Pay per action for completing a specific action, such as newsletter signups, clicks, contact requests, and form submissions.
  • Pay-per-install for each install created by your website traffic.
  • Pay per lead for the number of leads who sign up for a newsletter, download a guide or sign up for a free trial of a product.
  • Pay per click for each click on your affiliate link.

How much do affiliate marketers make?

The answer to this question varies affiliate to affiliate. Some affiliate marketers make a lot of money, while others only make a few hundred dollars per month.

The amount of money that you can make with affiliate marketing depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The products or services that you are promoting
  • The affiliate networks or companies that you are working with
  • The size and engagement of your audience
  • Your level of experience

If you are new to affiliate marketing, you can expect to make around $100-$200 per month. As you gain experience and grow your audience, you can start making more money.

Experienced affiliate marketers can make $1,000-$10,000+ per month or beyond. The sky is the limit!

According to Glassdoor, the average earning for Affiliate Marketing is $59,928. The most likely range is between $61,000–$103,000. The top is $16,000.

Source: Glassdoor

According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary of an affiliate marketer in the United States is $72,991 per year.

Source: ZipRecuiter

Can you become a millionaire from affiliate marketing?

Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire from affiliate marketing. However, it will take time, effort, and dedication to build an audience and to drive traffic to your affiliate offers.

For example, veteran affiliate marketer, Keala Kane, has generated over 50 million dollars online.

If you are willing to put in the work, it is possible to make a full-time income, escape the rat race, and live the life you dream about.

Who are the top affiliate marketers in the world?

The top affiliate marketers in the world are:

-Pat Flynn

-John Chow

-Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

-Harsh Agrawal


-Keala Kane

Can beginners do affiliate marketing?

Yes, affiliate marketing is a great opportunity for beginners to make money online.

When I started, I took a course and had my first sale within a few weeks (I wasn’t even finished with the course material then)!

Since then, I’ve gone on to have continued success with affiliate marketing (which is why I recommend it as a passive income source)

However, it takes time and effort to build an audience and to drive traffic to your website/ad or blog. You can avoid some of the pitfalls by taking a course (see below for the courses I recommend).

What do I need to have a successful affiliate marketing business?

There are a few things that you need to have a successful affiliate marketing business:

  1. A website/blog/Ad: This is where you will promote your affiliate products and links.
  2. An audience: You need people to click on your affiliate links and make a purchase. The larger your audience, the more money you can make.
  3. Patience: affiliate marketing requires a lot of patience. You will need to wait for people to click on your affiliate links and make a purchase before you will see any money.
  4. Perseverance: If you are willing to put in the work, you can see results but it will take time and effort (depending on your nitch).

Do I need to have a website to be an affiliate marketer?

No, you do not need a website to be an affiliate marketer.

I like using websites because it gives me a platform to promote my product or service so I highly recommend it. 

However, if you do not have a website, you can promote your affiliate links on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Is the affiliate marketing oversaturated?

Affiliate marketing is a very popular way to make money online and there are a lot of people doing it. However, there is still room for new affiliate marketers to enter the market. 

One way to increase your chances of success is to find a niche that is not oversaturated. 

This can be done by promoting a product or service that is not widely known or by targeting a specific audience that is underserved.

What are the best affiliate marketing programs for beginners?

There are a few affiliate marketing programs that are great for beginners:

Amazon Associates: Amazon Associates is one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. They offer a wide variety of products to promote, making it easy to find something that your audience will be interested in. Plus, you can get started with just a website or blog. You don’t need an audience to sign up, making it a great option for beginners.

ShareASale: ShareASale is another large affiliate marketing program with a wide variety of products to promote. They also have a program specifically for beginners, making it easy to get started.

Commission Junction: Commission Junction is a great affiliate marketing program for beginners because they offer a wide variety of products to promote and they have a low minimum payout threshold. This means that you only need to make a few sales before you start seeing any money.

Clickbank: I also recommend Clickbank’s affiliate marketing program because it is very easy to sign up and start earning commissions (this is the one I used to generate my first sale in a matter of weeks).

What are the best affiliate marketing strategies?

There are a few affiliate marketing strategies that work well:

Content Marketing: Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website or blog. By creating helpful, informative content, you can attract an audience and build trust with them. Once you have built up a rapport with your audience, you can start promoting affiliate products and links.

Social Media Marketing: Social media is a great way to reach a larger audience and promote your affiliate products. You can create social media posts about the products you are promoting and include your affiliate links. You can also run ads on social media platforms to promote your affiliate products.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is another great way to promote your affiliate products. You can build an email list of potential customers and send them periodic emails with updates on your latest products or promotions. Be sure to include your affiliate links in your emails so that people can make a purchase.

How long will it take to learn affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is not something that you can learn overnight. It takes time and effort to build a successful affiliate marketing business. 

However, there are a few things you can do to speed up the process:

Take an affiliate marketing course: Taking a course can help you learn the basics of affiliate marketing and give you a head start on building your business.

Tip: At the time of this writing Fullstaq Marketer offers a 2.5 day affiliate marketing course where they help you set up your entire online business within 48 hours. The course costs $39 dollars plus costs (so really $115). This course comes with a double-your-money-back-guarantee, meaning that they will pay you back double your investment if you don’t get results at the event. You can read my review of the program here.

Read affiliate marketing blogs: Reading blogs written by successful affiliate marketers can help you learn new strategies and tips.

Join an affiliate marketing forum: Joining an affiliate marketing forum can help you connect with other affiliate marketers and get support from people who have been through the process before.

Should I take an affiliate marketing course?

Affiliate marketing is not something that you need to take a course to learn. But if you want to get started quickly and learn some effective strategies, taking a course can be a good option. There are a few affiliate marketing courses that are worth checking out:

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner: In this course, Michelle shows you how she went from $0 to $50,000 per month using affiliate marketingIt covers everything from choosing an affiliate program to building an audience and promoting your affiliate products. Learn more about the program here.

Fullstaq Marketing: This is the program I took and I do recommend it. They have a business launch challenge where you can set up your affiliate marketing business in 48 hours! It will cost you $39 bucks plus costs (so really $115) and it comes with a double-your-money-back guarantee (meaning if you don’t see results Fullstaq will pay you back double). 

The Affiliate Marketing Masterclass by Pat Flynn: This course is a great option for people who want to learn more about affiliate marketing and how to build a successful business (learn more here).

Super Affiliate System by John Crestani: This course is a great option for people who want to learn how to be a successful affiliate marketer (and at the time of this writing, it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee).

Wealthy Affiliate: This is an affiliate marketing training program that covers everything from building a website to driving traffic and converting sales. It also includes a community of people who are willing to help and support you along the way.

Clickbank Courses: Clickbank offers a few different affiliate marketing courses that cover topics like affiliate marketing for beginners, driving traffic, and creating sales funnels.

Reliablesoft Academy: This affiliate marketing course covers everything from choosing a niche to building an email list and creating sales funnels.

Udemy: Udemy offers a variety of affiliate marketing courses that cover topics like affiliate marketing for beginners, driving traffic, and creating sales funnels.

Are there affiliate marketing scams I should be aware of?

Yes, there are affiliate marketing scams that you should be aware of. Here are a few common scams:

The affiliate program requires you to pay a fee to join: You should never have to pay a fee to join an affiliate program. If you do, it is likely a scam.

The affiliate program requires you to sign up for other programs: You should never have to sign up for other programs to be an affiliate. If you do, it is likely a scam.

Be sure to do your research before you buy!

Where do I find affiliate marketing offers to promote?

There are a few affiliate networks that you can join to find affiliate offers to promote. Some of the most popular affiliate networks include:

– Clickbank

– Commission Junction

– ShareASale

– Rakuten Affiliate Network

You can also find affiliate offers by searching for affiliate programs in your niche. For example, if you are interested in promoting products for people with diabetes, you can search for “diabetes affiliate programs” to find affiliate offers that you can promote.

Do I have to run paid ads to do affiliate marketing?

No, you don’t have to run paid ads to do affiliate marketing. 

However, if you want to get started quickly and generate a lot of traffic, running paid ads can be a good option. 

You can also generate traffic by creating free content, such as blog posts or videos, and promoting it through social media or search engines.

What is CPA Affiliate Marketing?

Cost Per Action (“CPA”) affiliate marketing is a type of affiliate marketing where you are paid a commission for each action that your referrals take. 

For example, if you refer someone to a product and they enter their email address, you can get paid just for that. 

CPA affiliate marketing can be a great way to generate passive income, as you can earn commissions from people who take actions even if they don’t purchase the product that you referred them to.

Some affiliates generate ten of thousands of dollars per month by simply setting up a website that asks people to take specific actions (such as enter your email address).

CPA is a great way to get your feet wet in the area of affiliate marketing. However, it is very important that you find a good product to promote so you don’t waste time and money.

What are the benefits of CPA affiliate marketing?

There are a few benefits of CPA affiliate marketing:

-it tends to have higher conversion rates because people don’t have to pay.

-It can be a great way to generate passive income.

-You can earn commissions from people who take actions even if they don’t purchase the product that you referred them to.

-It can be a great way to build an email list as you can get people’s email addresses when they sign up for a free trial or enter their contact information into a form.

What are some CPA networks I can join?

There are a few CPA networks that you can join to find affiliate offers to promote. Some of the most popular CPA networks include:

– Peerfly

– MaxBounty

– CPALead

– Neverblue

You can also find affiliate offers by searching for affiliate programs in your niche. 

What are the drawbacks of CPA affiliate marketing?

The main drawback is lower commissions, but you can still make good money if you have drive significant volume to your website/ad or blog. 

Can affiliate marketing be automated?

Most definitely. Once you have your ad/website or blog up and running you can literally make money while you sleep! 

Once you have a few affiliate programs up and running, you can start to automate your affiliate marketing efforts with the help of affiliate marketing software.

Generally, affiliate marketing tools refer to affiliate link cloaking software, but there are other types of affiliate marketing software as well. Here are a few most popular affiliate marketing software tools:

Pretty Link: A WordPress plugin that allows you to cloak your affiliate links.

Affiliate marketing Automation: A tool that allows you to automate your affiliate marketing efforts.

Clickmagick: A tracking tool that allows you to track clicks on your affiliate links.

GetResponse: An email marketing tool that allows you to build an email list (This is the one I personally use–see my review here).

Surfer SEO: A keyword research tool that allows you to find profitable keywords to target (I swear by this one).

Affiliate marketing Automation: A tool that allows you to automate your affiliate marketing efforts.

Ahrefs: A backlink checker and keyword research tool that allows you to find high quality backlinks for your website.

Keysearch: A cheaper keyword research tool that allows you to find profitable keywords to target.

The PPC Method: A strategy that involves advertising your affiliate offers on pay per click networks like Google AdWords.

The SEO Method: A strategy that involves ranking your affiliate website for keywords in Google, and then getting free traffic from the search engine.

The Social Media Method: A strategy that involves promoting your affiliate offers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The Video Marketing Method: A strategy that involves creating videos to promote your affiliate offers.

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money online, but it’s not always easy. The best way to get started is to find a few affiliate programs that you can promote, and then start promoting them to your audience. 

Once you have a few affiliate programs up and running, you can start to automate your affiliate marketing efforts with the help of affiliate marketing software.

What is affiliate marketing tracking?

Affiliate marketing tracking is a process of tracking clicks on your affiliate links. This can be useful if you want to see which affiliate offers are converting well, or if you want to track how much traffic you are sending to an affiliate offer.

There are a few different affiliate tracking software, but the most popular one (and the one I personally use) is ClickMagick.

Can I use my own affiliate products?

Yes, you can use your own affiliate products. If you have a product that you want to promote, you can sign up for an affiliate program and promote your product through your affiliate link.

If you don’t have a product, you can still create an affiliate program for your website. This will allow other people to promote your website on their own websites and earn commissions when they send traffic to your website.

Can I use affiliate marketing on my blog?

Yes, you can use affiliate marketing on your blog. 

If you have a blog, you can sign up for affiliate programs and promote affiliate offers on your blog.

You can also create an affiliate program for your blog. This will allow other bloggers to sign up and promote your blog on their own blogs.

If you want to learn more about starting your own blog, I highly recommend Adam Enfroy. This guy started his blog in 2019 and was making over $300,000 per month from his blog in under one year. You can check him out here.

What are the best affiliate marketing softwares?

There are a few affiliate marketing software options that are great for beginners:

WordPress: For a novice blog designer the first step must be making a professionally looking blog that will be a good source of traffic. WordPress is a popular content management system that is easy to use and has a lot of plugins and themes available. This makes it easy to create a website or blog and start affiliate marketing.

ClickFunnels: ClickFunnels is a popular website builder that allows you to easily create landing pages and affiliate marketing funnels.

LeadPages: LeadPages is another popular website builder that allows you to easily create landing pages and affiliate marketing funnels.

AWeber: AWeber is an email marketing platform that allows you to send emails to your subscribers and manage your email list.

GetResponse: GetResponse is another email marketing platform that allows you to send emails to your subscribers and manage your email list.

Affiliate Marketing Examples for Inspiration

Here are a few success stories:

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner makes over $760,000 a year from her blog (while only working 10 hours per week).

Adam Enfroy reached $80,000 per month in less than two years. 

Pat Flynn has made over $3,000,000 in sales.


Let’s have a look at how you can begin your journey to become a successful affiliate marketer.


Pick a niche and create a brand around what you will recommend to your audience. 

It aids in the development of a focused brand and audience who are aware of what to expect from you. 

And when they run into a problem or need advice on the subject, they’ll come to you for answers or product recommendations, boosting your affiliate efforts.

If you already have your audience, your affiliate marketing campaign is off to a solid start. However, if you’re just getting started and do not know where to start, an education course such as Fullstaq Marketing is a good solution. 

Fullstaq is a great marketing training that provides basic and advanced knowledge and also information to become a true marketer (see my blog post here for an in-depth discussion on the Fullstaq marketing program).

What are the best niches for affiliate marketing in 2022?

Some of the best affiliate marketing niches for 2022 include:

– Health and fitness

– Relationship advice

– Personal finance

– Technology

– Business and entrepreneurship

– IRA and Crypto

These are just a few ideas to get you started. affiliate marketing in almost any niche can be profitable if done correctly.


Make sure to choose the programs that are relevant to your niche and fit your knowledge. 

For example, a cuisine blogger is unlikely to sell beauty products. Other things, such as kitchenware, meal sets, and culinary ingredients would be more appropriate. 

And make sure to choose the relevant platform to promote your offering products.


It is important for affiliate marketers to select a product that suits their target market. Don’t promote something just because it’s popular. 

Not only will this weaken your credibility, but there is already a lot of competition for that product.

Clickbank provides a great deal of information to help you make a decision. One of the most important ones is called the “gravity score.” 

This score tells you how many affiliate have been successful selling the product within the last 12 weeks. The higher the score, the more likely you will be successful promoting the product. 

However, it is important to note that you should not just pick a product with the highest gravity score; in my experience, a gravity score around 100 is the sweet spot.


A successful affiliate strategy relies heavily on the creation of high-quality content. Ensure you bring out valuable content that answers your audience’s problems and benefits them. 

Also, advertise products and services that you truly believe in to get the trust of your audience.

One of the most important things you can do to have a successful affiliate marketing business is to build trust with your audience. This can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common is through providing valuable content that helps solve their problems.

When you have built up trust with your audience, they are more likely to take your recommendations seriously and are more likely to purchase products and services that you recommend.

Once you have created affiliate links, it’s time to start using them in your content. Remember, do not go overboard with this as it will come across as spammy and turn off your readers. 

Use affiliate links sparingly and only when they make sense. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about a new product you just launched, it would make sense to include an affiliate link to that product.

You should also add affiliate links to existing blog posts that are relevant to the products you are promoting. 

For example, if you have a blog post about how to start a blog, you could add an affiliate link to a hosting company like Bluehost.

Now that you have affiliate links in your content, it’s time to start promoting them. There are a number of ways to do this, but the most common is through social media.

Share your affiliate links on all of your social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. 

You can also promote your affiliate links on your website or blog by adding a banner or button to your header or sidebar.

Another great way to promote affiliate links is through email marketing. Add a call-to-action in your emails encouraging your subscribers to click on your affiliate links. You can also include affiliate links in your newsletter content.


It’s important to track the results of your affiliate marketing efforts so that you can see what is working and what is not. 

Most affiliate programs will provide you with tracking links that you can use to track the progress of your campaigns.

You can also use Google Analytics to track the traffic coming to your website from your affiliate links. This will give you an idea of how many people are clicking on your affiliate links and making purchases.

Bonus Tip: Grow your business with PPC advertising

Once you start getting steam, it may be time for paid ads. 

If you Google “learn leadpages“, you will discover that LeadPages themselves advertise for these keywords running ads on Google. 

Keywords based on the knowledge you have of your product/topic are the best starting point. It’s possible for people to target competitors.

Bonus Tip: Build an Email List of Your Prospects

Sometimes people won’t automatically buy from your ad/website or blog. However, if you can get their email address, you can promote your affiliate offers to them via email marketing. 

Email marketing has been a huge success in recent years. Do not miss it.

For example, when you have a visitor to your site, have the bar on top. You can offer them ebooks (maybe combine 3 excellent reviews) or special reviews video in exchange for their email address.

Picking a good autoresponder can help you automate this process. You can use GetResponse, AWeber, or Mailchimp.

Email Segmentation

You are building a list of subscribers, but you should also be segmenting your list. That way you can send more targeted emails. 

For example, if you have a list of all affiliate marketers, you can segment them by the product they promote or the technique they use.

You could also segment by location or language. This is especially useful if you are an affiliate for a international company. You can target people in different countries with different content.

If you want to get really technical, you could even segment by the type of device they use to open your emails. So you can target those people who are more actively engaged in your email marketing content. 

Email Deliverability

Getting your emails delivered to your subscribers is essential. If they never see your emails, they can’t click on your affiliate links.

There are a few things you can do to improve your email deliverability.

First, make sure you are not using a free email service like Gmail or Yahoo. These services often have strict limits on the number of emails you can send per day. You may also get marked as spam more easily.

Instead, use a dedicated email service like SendGrid or Mailgun. These services will give you more control over your email delivery and will help ensure that your messages get through to your subscribers.

You should also avoid using blacklisted IP addresses when sending your emails. These are IP addresses that have been flagged by email providers as being associated with spam.

If you use a shared hosting service, your IP address may be blacklisted if another user on the same service is sending spam.

To avoid this, you can use a dedicated IP address or a private email server.

Finally, make sure your emails are not going to the spam folder.

To do this, use a tool like Mail Tester. This tool will test your email and tell you if it is likely to be marked as spam.

If it is, make sure to fix any of the issues that it highlights before sending your email to your list.


Affiliate marketing is a great way to grow your business and make money online. But it takes work to succeed at affiliate marketing. To succeed, you’ll need to learn the basics of affiliate marketing, choose a profitable niche, build your website or blog, and then start promoting products.

In addition to learning the basics of affiliate marketing and choosing a profitable niche, there are several other keys to success in this arena. Some key things to keep in mind include growing your list, segmenting your list to target different groups of subscribers, and ensuring that your email deliverability is high. With the right approach, you can succeed at affiliate marketing and take your business to the next level.


  • Isaac

    Isaac is a lawyer who specializes in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, and affiliate marketing. He is passionate about passive income and hopes to inspire others to create other streams of wealth so that they can live the life they've imagined.
