Getting Started in Cryptocurrency Investing

Although cryptocurrency has grown in popularity in recent years, many consumers and investors might be wondering what the hoopla is about. Why would someone choose bitcoin over their local currency, which is enough for most needs? What makes someone invest in a cryptocurrency?

As the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows on Wall Street, more options will become available. Over 19,000 cryptocurrencies are currently accessible for investment or trade, ranging from Bitcoin and Ethereum to Dogecoin and Tether. So if you want to know about picking the best cryptocurrency as a beginner to earn passive income, this article is for you.

Any digital currency that deploys encryption to protect transactions is known as cryptocurrency. Cryptography employs encryption and decryption to protect communication in the presence of malicious third parties, such as those who seek to steal your data or listen in on your conversation.

Cryptography employs computational algorithms such as SHA-256, the hashing algorithm used by Bitcoin; a public key, which functions as a user’s digital identity shared with everyone; and a private key, which functions as a user’s digital signature that is kept concealed.

What is Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital payment that does not rely on banks to verify transactions. It’s a peer-to-peer payment system that lets anyone send and receive money from anywhere. Cryptocurrency payments exist as digital entries to an online database identifying specific transactions rather than as actual money carried around and traded in the real world.

Cryptocurrencies are based on a blockchain, a distributed public database that keeps track of all transactions and is updated by currency holders. The term “cryptocurrency” stems from transactions being verified through encryption. This means that storing and sending cryptocurrency data between wallets and public ledgers requires complex coding. Security and safety are the goals of encryption.

Encryption aims to provide security and safety. It operates on decentralized networks based on blockchain technology, which excels at capturing knowledge and makes it extremely difficult or impossible to manipulate or trick the system. This framework enables them to operate independently of governments and regulatory bodies.

Cryptocurrencies became a worldwide craze when it was suggested that they would soon replace traditional currencies. Cryptocurrency adoption continues to gain momentum, partially due to the world’s progression toward a cashless society. People nowadays transact through electronic money, continuing to affirm suggestions that cryptocurrencies will be the currencies of the long term.

Individual units of cryptocurrency are referred to as coins or tokens, depending on how they are used. Some are intended to be commodity and service exchange units. Others are value stores, and still, others are primarily geared to assist in the operation of computer networks that handle more complex financial operations.

Mining is the process of using computer power to solve complicated mathematical problems to earn cryptocurrency units. Users can also purchase the currencies through brokers, then store and spend them through encrypted wallets.

Cryptocurrency offers several benefits, and everyone can utilize it. All you need is an internet connection and a computer or smartphone. It is a fast way to transfer funds; the cost of transacting in cryptocurrency is relatively low compared to other financial services; it protection from inflation; it can be self-governed and managed;

it is secure and private; no one can sign transactions or access your funds unless they have access to your crypto wallet’s private key. Because they are decentralized, currency transactions are simple.

The blockchain ledger, which is open to the public, keeps track of all cryptocurrency transactions. Some programs let anyone look up transaction details, such as where, when, and how much money was transmitted from a wallet address. Anyone may see how much cryptocurrency is held in a wallet.

Consider the following scenario: you want to electronically transfer money to a friend who bought you lunch to reimburse him. This could go wrong in various ways, such as: it’s possible that the bank’s systems are down or the machines aren’t functioning properly.

It’s possible that you’re or a friend’s account has been hacked, resulting in a denial-of-service attack or identity theft, or that the account’s transfer limitations have been surpassed, or, if you fancy the outlandish, that the government decides to freeze your friend’s account because he secretly believes that all dogs have a soul and the government sees this belief as “mis-information” and wants to “encourage” your friend to change his beliefs.

This is why cryptocurrency is the currency of the future. Consider a transaction between two persons who are both using the bitcoin app. A notice appears, requesting confirmation that the user is ready to send bitcoins. If so, processing occurs: The system authenticates the user’s identity, checks whether the user has the required balance to make that transaction, etc.

The payment is then transferred, and the funds are deposited in the receiver’s account. All of this takes only a few minutes. And the best part—especially for your dog-obsessed friend above—is that some of these coins are completely untraceable by anyone online (see my blog post here for more information).

Is Cryptocurrency a Good Long-Term Investment?

Yes, it is, as most businesses now use it to trade. Cryptocurrencies have taken center stage, with the crypto market cap currently reaching $1.7 trillion and over 19,000 tokens at the time of this writing. Early investors in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin will likely have made money: if you had invested $310 to buy one bitcoin in April 2016, six years later, your investment would be worth about $24,000.

Bitcoin is the world’s largest and most widely used cryptocurrency system, and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon; it dominates the news and is what most people associate with the term cryptocurrency.

Sophisticated investors such as banks, hedge funds, and pension funds are investing more in cryptocurrency than ever before, and investment banking giant JP Morgan Chase advised in February 2021 that investors could consider putting 1% of their investments into bitcoin as a way to diversify their portfolio.

Venture capitalists invested $30 billion in 2021 in various crypto or Web 3.0 start-ups, and corporate institutions, such as MicroStrategy, Square, and Tesla, have all accounted for bitcoin on their balance sheets. The cryptocurrency market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 7.1 percent, from USD 1.6 billion in 2021 to USD 2.2 billion in 2026.

According to estimates, cryptocurrencies will account for 25% of national currencies by 2030, implying that a large portion of the world will begin to trust bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a method of exchange.

It will become more widely acknowledged by merchants and customers, and it will retain its volatile nature, meaning prices will continue to vary as they have over the past few years. With all this being known, there is a need to start investing in cryptocurrency because many benefits are at stake for its investors.

Getting started with cryptocurrency investment is very easy because it involves a minimal number of steps, which includes understanding what you’re investing in; deciding whether you want to do long-term or short-term trading; choosing the trading method that’s right for you; learning how to place trades and read charts; choosing an exchange and starting trading.

Cryptocurrency is a cash and credit card substitute. It’s taking over the digital world. Many businesses now accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. With the industrialization and involvement of technology, digital currencies are gaining the upper hand over others.

Despite its volatility and fluctuation in the market, long-term investments in crypto are considered tremendously profitable.

They can provide a steady source of income after retirement or a much-needed financial cushion in the case of an economic downturn. Because crypto trading is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, traders can conduct business at any time of day, making it popular among investors. Let’s get started investing now that you have all you need.

How to Get Started Investing in Cryptocurrencies and Trading

If you’re unfamiliar with the world of cryptocurrency, purchasing Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies might be challenging at first. Fortunately, the process is straightforward. You may get started investing in cryptocurrency with only five simple steps:

1. Choose a broker or crypto exchange

You must first choose a broker or a crypto exchange when buying cryptocurrency. While both may be used to trade cryptocurrencies, there are several key distinctions between them to consider.

Cryptocurrency exchange

A cryptocurrency exchange is a platform where people can buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Exchanges typically have low fees, but they often have more complicated user interfaces with several trade sorts and advanced performance charts, which might be off-putting to new crypto investors.

Gemini, Coinbase, and Binance are some of the most well-known cryptocurrency trading platforms. These platforms’ standard trading interfaces might be overwhelming to beginners, especially those who have never traded stocks before, but they provide user-friendly purchase alternatives.

However, the beginner-friendly options come at a high price since they cost more than acquiring the same crypto via each platform’s conventional trading interface. To save costs, you might attempt to learn enough to utilize standard trading platforms before purchasing your first cryptocurrency or not long after.

However, as a newbie to cryptocurrency, you’ll want to ensure that the exchange or brokerage you choose allows fiat currency transfers and purchases using United States dollars. Many crypto trading platforms only allow you to buy crypto using another cryptocurrency, so you’ll have to locate another exchange before being able to trade on that platform.

Cryptocurrency broker

Cryptocurrency brokers take away the headache of purchasing cryptocurrency by providing simple-to-use platforms that connect you to exchanges. Some brokerages charge higher fees than exchanges. They claim to be “free,” yet they profit by selling data about you and other traders’ purchases and sales to major brokerages or funds or failing to execute your trade at the best possible market price.

While they’re undeniably useful, brokers have their limits. You may be restricted from moving your cryptocurrency assets off the platform due to restrictions placed on you by the broker. For example, with Robinhood and SoFi, you can’t move your crypto holdings out of your account.

This may not be a problem, but experienced cryptocurrency investors like to keep their coins in crypto wallets for greater protection. Some experienced crypto investors even used offline hardware crypto wallets that are not linked to the internet for additional protection.

2. Create and verify your account

You may create an account after choosing a cryptocurrency broker or exchange. Depending on the platform and the quantity you intend to purchase, you may be required to verify your identity. This is a critical step to prevent fraud and comply with federal regulatory standards. Until you’ve completed the verification procedure, you won’t be able to buy or sell cryptocurrency.

The platform may request a copy of your driver’s license or passport, and you may be asked to submit a photo of yourself to verify that you resemble the documents you provided.

3. Deposit cash to invest

To purchase cryptocurrency, you’ll need to ensure you have enough funds in your account. You may deposit money to your cryptocurrency account in various ways, such as linking a bank account, authorizing a wire transfer, or using a debit or credit card to make a payment.

Depending on the exchange or broker you choose and your payment method, you may need to wait a few days before using your cash deposit to acquire cryptocurrency.

4. Place your crypto order

After you’ve funded your account, you’re ready to place your first crypto transaction. Many cryptocurrencies to choose from, ranging from the most popular ones like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance to less known cryptos such as Theta Fuel or Holo.

However, when you pick the cryptocurrency you wish to buy, click the “Buy” button and insert the ticker symbol for that currency—for example, Ethereum is ETH. You can purchase fractional shares of cryptocurrency on most exchanges and brokers, allowing you to acquire a sliver of high-priced assets like BTC or ETH that would otherwise take thousands of dollars to own.

5. Choose a storage method

Cryptocurrency exchanges are not covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which means your assets are at risk if something goes wrong. You might lose your money if you forget or lose the passwords to access your account because millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin have already been lost. That is why keeping your bitcoin assets secure is so important.

If you buy bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies from a broker, you may have little influence over where your cryptocurrency is kept. But you have more choices if you buy crypto via an exchange:

Leave the crypto on the exchange: It is usually stored in a crypto wallet connected to the exchange when you purchase crypto. You may move your cryptocurrency to a separate hot or cold wallet if you don’t like the exchange with which you’re working or want it to be more secure.

However, the transaction cost is dependent on the exchange and the amount of money you’re transferring. As a result, you may be required to pay a small fee to execute this process.

Hot wallets: These are internet-connected devices, such as tablets, PCs, or phones, onto which you may store crypto wallets. Although hot wallets are convenient and simple, they’re more susceptible to theft since they are connected to the internet.

Cold wallets: Your most secure choice for holding cryptocurrency is to use a cold crypto wallet that isn’t connected to the internet. Cold wallets take the form of external devices to store cryptocurrency, such as a hard drive.

On the other hand, cold wallets must be handled with great care. If you lose the keycode or the gadget breaks or fails, you may never be able to retrieve your cryptocurrency again.

While this is possible with certain hot wallets, some are maintained by custodians who can assist you in regaining access to your account if you become locked out.


Cryptocurrency is a highly promising future for the wonderful world of money. If you want to establish a long-term flourishing and growing business, you must begin by laying the groundwork for your cryptocurrency in the present.


  • Isaac

    Isaac is a lawyer who specializes in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, and affiliate marketing. He is passionate about passive income and hopes to inspire others to create other streams of wealth so that they can live the life they've imagined.