How to Start a Blog in 5 Simple Steps and Make a Great Living

People start a blogs for a variety of reasons, but one of the main reasons is passive income. There are many people making a living from readers clicking on their affiliate links and purchasing their e-books.  One of the best things about blogging-for-income is that it can run—once you put in the work—somewhat autonomously, allowing you to spend more time on the things you actually care about.

At Real Financial Bliss, we believe that life is a gift, and you should be able to spend it the way YOU want to. So, if you serious about escaping the rat race, blogging should be one of the tools in your passive income arsenal. However, when starting a blog, you might feel a little lost. And that could make you take unnecessary steps and waste precious time.

The purpose of this guide is to help get you going. This guide will give you five steps to get your blog up and going in no time at all. So, if you wanted a proper head start, you should stick until the end.

This post contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through one of these links, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

How To Start A Blog in 5 Steps?

Want to find out how easy things can be? Here are five simple steps:

Step 1: Figure Out Your Blog Name

Before anything else, you will need to figure out the name of your blog. Consider the who, why, and what during this step. Ask yourself why you want to create the blog, who you want to target, and what the blog will be about. These three questions can make it easier for you to choose a blog name.

Step 2: Make Your Blog Go Online

Now that you have got the name fixed, it is time to get your blog online. This step might sound a lot technical, but it is actually pretty easy. You will need two things: blogging software and blog hosting. A proper example of blog hosting would be BlueHost, while WordPress would be an excellent example of a content management system (CMS).

Step 3: Customize Your Blog

Next, you will need to make your blog attractive. A potential reader will not even stay on your blog for 5 seconds if they find that your site is nothing but texts. And when it comes to customizing blogs, BlueChic and Theme Forest are two great picks for custom themes.

Step 4: Start Creating Blog Content

Once you have your site all up and running, you need to work on writing good content. And when it comes to writing content, you should keep all of the best SEO practices in your mind.

Step 5: Set Up Analytics For Your Blog

Finally, you should set up analytics for your blog. It will help you see how much traffic is there on your blog. Also, you will be capable of closely monitoring the revenue your blog is making. Setting the analytics will also optimize your blog, and search engines prefer showing your blog with a higher ranking.


learning how to start a blog is not as hard as it looks. You just have to go through the right steps and be patient until blogging becomes a great passive income source for you.


  • Isaac

    Isaac is a lawyer who specializes in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, and affiliate marketing. He is passionate about passive income and hopes to inspire others to create other streams of wealth so that they can live the life they've imagined.