The 81 Best Affiliate Marketing Quotes

“Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires”

Robert Foster Bennett

In today’s digital world, the number of ways to make money online is increasing. One popular way to make money online is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

As an affiliate marketer, your task is to promote a company’s products or services online. When someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

Affiliate marketing is a great option if you’re looking for ways to make money online. It’s a low-risk way to earn income, and it can be quite profitable if you’re able to build up a large audience.

However, it’s important to remember that affiliate marketing is a business, and like any business, it takes time and effort to be successful. If you’re not willing to put in the work, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make a significant income from affiliate marketing.

Below, we’ve gathered some inspiring, motivating, and helpful affiliate marketing quotes from successful affiliate marketers and industry experts. These quotes will help to keep you motivated and focused on your affiliate marketing goals.

If you’re a beginner looking to get started with affiliate marketing, these quotes will give you the inspiration and motivation you need to get started.

The 81 Best Affiliate Marketing Quotes To Keep You Motivated

1. “Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires.” ― Robert Foster Bennett

2. “Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” ― Napoleon Hill

3. “Affiliate marketing is about proving value, not spamming your links at them.” ― Raspado

4. “Affiliate marketing is not a ‘push-button’ solution. It takes focus and commitment, and a certain choreography to make it happen the way you want it to.” — Patt Flynn

5. “Use 2nd Tier contests and referrals to grow your pool. You don’t know everyone—let your network introduce them to you!” — Amber Spears

6. “The main things you want to tap into are relevancy, relatability, and emotion.” ― Daniel Harmon

7. “Organic reach is so important because the impression you get when someone comes directly to your page is a much more qualified lead and potentially a more valuable customer than someone you got through an ad buy.” ― Gary Vaynerchuk

8. “I always try to give my affiliates the most commission possible. The more you can pay your affiliates, the more traffic they will send.” ― Ryan Alarid

9. “Many people who get into affiliate marketing do so with the same mindset: making money first, and thinking of their audience second (if they think of them at all!). That’s a recipe for disaster—or at least lousy results.” — Pat Flynn

10. “Sequence your messages to maximize conversions. Remember that gain, then logic, then fear sequences work best.” ― Roland Frasier

11. “If you don’t find a way to make money in your sleep, you’ll work until you die.” — Warren Buffet

12. “First LEARN…then remove the ‘L'” — Mohit Manke

13. “The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to invest time and effort to create a product to sell.” — Unknown

14. “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” — Bill Bradley

15. “Don’t rely on one traffic source and one affiliate program…. branch out.” — Linxtro

16. “The key that you have to remember is you will get a lot more bang for your buck by targeting a large number of lower-traffic terms than by targeting a small number of higher-traffic terms.” — Neil Patel

17. “Sequence your messages to maximize conversions. Remember that gain, then logic, then fear sequences work best.” ― Roland Frasier

18. “There’s no point in getting into affiliate marketing if you can’t monetize it, and you can’t drive traffic and sales. You’d just be spinning your wheels.” — Neil Patel

19. When you go to cable, there are no stations and no affiliates, and they allow you to do your show.” — George Lopez

20. “Affiliate is the new richest manager of the global market.” — Unknown

21. “As we often say in affiliate marketing, ‘Mistakes make the best teacher.'” — Linda Buquet

22. “Being an affiliate marketer is very cost-effective. You don’t have to put much money in an affiliate program in order to gain a lot.“ — Russell Brunson

23. “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” — Nelson Mandela

24. “It’s the ultimate win-win situation. All affiliates get something from the arrangement, as does the company running the affiliate program, making it a mutually beneficial relationship.” — Russel Brunson

25. “Affiliate marketing is an excellent opportunity if you truly believe in the value of the product you’re selling. Because many times, you can make money off of something you would probably recommend anyway.” — Neil Patel

26. “Remember that we are advertising to humans, not robots and that your target audience can be easily and quickly saturated.” — Molly Pittman

27. “Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. There’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” — Jim Rohn

28. “It’s about you influencing more people by creating content that’s easy to consume.” — Frank Kern

29. “The marketing of the future is you getting great at strategies, then uploading that to the machine and letting it determine the rest for you.” — Scott Desgrosseilliers

30. “You need to be competitive. Do your homework and determine what other similar offers are paying.” ― Nic Deherrera

31. “If you think of your target market like a pond of fish and you’re only using one hook, one selling system, and one way of targeting, then you’re only resonating with a small, small part of your market.” — Molly Pittman

32. “In advertising, not to be different is virtual suicide.” — Thornton Wilder

33. “The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be.” — David Ogilvy

34. “If you look like you’re selling, people see it and run the other way. Everything has shifted. The stories that have emotional content are going to make people know, like, and trust you.” — Dennis Yu

35. “Customer service isn’t simply an expensive, time-consuming obligation. It’s a strategic marketing investment if you want it to be.” — Seth Godin

36. “Sequence your messages to maximize conversions. Remember that gain, then logic, then fear sequences work best.” ― Roland Frasier

37. “Campaigns that use emotion to relate with people get attention by positioning themselves correctly. They bring people through the right process by showcasing their intent.” ― Beau Haralson

38. “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” ― Tony Robbins

39. “Anyone can become an affiliate marketer as long as your find your niche and audience.” ― Unknown

40. “I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts.” ― John D. Rockefeller

41. “Focus on optimizing for revenue, not conversions.” ― Neil Patel

42. The riches are in the niches, but the fortune is in the follow-up.― Pat Flynn

43. “The best marketing strategy of all times – ‘Care.'”– Gary Vaynerchuk

44. “Super affiliates aren’t made inside the comfort zone, make ‘uncomfortable’ your new friend. “– Shivansh Bhanwariya

45. “if you don’t genuinely like a product, don’t promote it. It’s important to build relationships with your readers and only promote products that you truly believe in.”― Pat Flynn

46. “Affiliate marketing is a long-term play – not a get rich quick scheme.” – Shawn Collins

47. “The most successful affiliate marketers are the ones who treat their business like a real business.” – , Rosalind Gardner

48. “You need to put in the time and effort if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing.” – Mark Ling

49. “There’s no magic bullet or secret formula when it comes to affiliate marketing. You just need to be willing to work hard and put in the time.” – Carrie Wilkerson

50. “The key to successful affiliate marketing is to find a niche that you love and then build a website around it.” – Geno Prussakov

51. “Affiliate marketing is all about building relationships. The more relationships you have, the more people will trust you and buy from you.” – Jeff Johnson

52. “You need to be passionate about your niche if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing.” – Nicole Dean

53. “It’s not enough to just have a website when you’re in affiliate marketing. You need to have a website that is designed to sell.” – Armand Morin

54. “The most successful affiliate marketers treat their business like a real business and not like a get rich quick scheme.” – Pat Flynn

55. “Don’t recommend a thousand-dollar product, recommend a product that provides value worth thousands.”– Shivansh Bhanwariya

56. “You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to be successful, just model what other successful people are doing in the industry.” – Unknown

57. “The best affiliate marketers are not afraid to invest in themselves. They know that if they want to be successful, they need to continue learning and growing.” – Zac Johnson

58. “Affiliate marketing is a numbers game. The more people you can get to see your offers, the more sales you’ll make.” – Perry Marshall

59. “You need to have a system in place if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing.” – Mike Filsaime

60. “The key to successful affiliate marketing is building an email list.” – Anik Singal

61. “You need to treat your affiliate business like a real business if you want to be successful.” – Brad Smith

62. “You need to be passionate about your niche if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing.” – Nicole Dean

63. “If you’re not making money from your list yet, it’s time to start.”– Jimmy D.

64. “Provide great content and you will earn the right to promote your product.” – Guy Kawasaki

65. “Speed in only useful if you are running in the right direction.” – Pat Flynn

66. “If the business isn’t making money while you sleep, you have to figure out the mistakes because you are definitely making some.” – Shivansh Bhanwariya

67. “Affiliate marketing isn’t a get-rich overnight scheme. It will take some time before you’ll see the results. “– David Sharpe

68. “Successful affiliate marketing is not about how much you promote, it’s about how effectively you promote.” – Shawn Collins

69. “Give them quality. That’s the best kind of advertising.” – Milton S. Hershey

70. “People don’t buy what you do; they buy what you stand for.” – Simon Sinek

71. “Lose money for the firm, and I will be understanding; lose a shred of reputation for the firm, and I will be ruthless.–Warren Buffett

72. “Create content that teaches. You can’t give up. You need to be consistently awesome.” – Neil Patel

73. “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”–Warren Buffett

74. “If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis.” – Neil Patel

75. “Pay attention the next time you’re scrolling to what hooks grab your attention. Why did you stop? Why did you click play? What did the hook say, and how did it make you feel? Answering these questions will help you to become amazing at developing hooks.”–Russell Brunson

76. “You cannot make a good deal with a bad person.”–Warren Buffett

77. “Offer: The hook gets your customers’ attention, the story creates desire, and the last step of every message, post, email, and video is the offer.”- Russell Brunson

78. “Knowing how to distinguish between an ideal keyword and the reality of queries will help you to refine your strategy and success as an online marketer.” – Neil Patel

79. “One of the fundamental rules of marketing is that “a confused mind always says no.”–  Russell Brunson

80. “Your best investment is yourself. There is nothing that compares to it.”–Warren Buffett

81. “Association of Sales Executives revealed that 81 percent of all sales happens on or after the fifth contact. If you’re a small business owner and you’re only doing one or two follow-ups, imagine all the business you’re losing.” – Russell Brunson

Wrapping Up

Affiliate marketing is a great opportunity for those who are looking to make money online. It can be a very lucrative career if you are willing to put in the work. These affiliate marketing quotes should inspire you to take action and start your own affiliate marketing journey today. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be on this list of quotes!


  • Isaac

    Isaac is a lawyer who specializes in the areas of business, entrepreneurship, and affiliate marketing. He is passionate about passive income and hopes to inspire others to create other streams of wealth so that they can live the life they've imagined.